Sunday, February 8, 2009

A tooth for a tooth

I forgot to tell about Lena loosing a tooth yesterday on the blog. When we went in on Friday, she was wiggling her tooth and holding onto it b/c it was loose and was bothering her. Our translator asked her about going to the dentist who comes to the orphanage to see if she could pull it on out. She told her the lady would have a tool that she could use to help extract it. Well, Lena, who has had nightmarish experiences with dentists over here, said, "No, thanks". The teacher heard and gave her a lecture and told her to go see if the dentist was there. Lena went out into the hall and did not want to go, but instead pulled and pulled at her tooth. And thankfully, it finally came out! She was determined NOT to go to the dentist. I was glad too b/c I didn't want them digging in her mouth. We had to deal w/infection after she had a hospital stay before she came to the US last summer and it took forever to get rid of it. I would rather keep her out of any medical settings until we get home. We told her to keep her tooth and she asked, "why?". We told her the tooth fairy would come and she was not impressed. Of course, she doesn't KNOW about the tooth fairy yet!

Then last night Brianne lost a tooth. It had been loose since we left home and she wiggled it even more I think since Lena pulled hers. So she got a visit from the Ukrainian tooth fairy last night who, of course, brought "gryvna" instead of dollars! Well, it looked like a really good gift until she realized you have to divide it by 8 to find out what it is worth in American money! Trent and I got a good chuckle planning it out last night.

1 comment:

  1. Sisters already...the tooth fairy lives all over the world. Those are two brave girls...pulling their own teeth!!
    Lena has so many wonderful treasures she will experience when she comes home.
    What a fun read this morning from your post.
